Monday, August 11, 2014

Blake's "Bug Food" Party

I asked Blake many many times over the months leading up to his birthday what kind of party he wanted, and almost every time he said a "BugFood" Party (which to Blake means a party that has bugs and lots of food he can snack on) so that's what we rolled with.  He spent about 98.9% of the time in the blow up pool, so I'm not sure how much Bug or Food he took in, but here's some of my favorite things I put together for his 3rd birthday.

It took me a while to come up with the invite, but one day while reading GOB's squishy "Hungry Hungry Caterpillar" book, the light-bulb switched on - could there be a more perfect image for a BugFood party?  Blake looooves the HHC, but I didn't want to do such a specific party theme, so I thought just going with it on the invite would be a great idea.

I knew that I wanted to do the classic Oreo Dirt cupcakes for dessert, and I saw this really cute pic on Pinterest where someone used plastic terra cotta pots to hold them.  I couldn't find any plastic ones, so I just used mini real terra cotta pots and took the cupcakes out before I gave them to the kids.  M&Ms became my crawling bugs, and I made a special Red and Green HHC one just for the birthday boy.

The favors were really easy this year as me and my mom lucked into finding these butterfly nets and bug-catchers early in the summer in the Target $1 bins (gotta love it!)  Then I used plastic sandwich bags, clothespins, and M&Ms to make butterflies, and let the kids take any of the bugs they found that day home with them.

I set up two little activity stations for the tiny ones - a dig for bug station where we just buried a lot of plastic bugs in the sand table, and a "Make your own wings Station".  I just cut up a bunch of paper plates and put out different shapes, paint, and markers that they could use to decorate.  The wings came out so cute I may have to use that idea again when I eventually force host a dream "Harry Potter" birthday party for one of the boys.

Some Red and Green decorations rounded out the theme and Voila! - a relatively stress free set up that made for one awesome birthday party!!  Just hope I will be singing the same tune come GOB's first bday bash in October...

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