Top Row
1. My new lego Ralph figure courtesy of Chris...complete with his "Choo-Choo-Choos You" valentine
2. Starting to look like a kitchen...and we can finally easily open our drawers
3. Took my new table saw out for it's first test drive....I didn't die, so I guess I set it up right
4. No Explanation Needed
5. Thanks to Jon for discovering a really good new pizza place, within walking distance! This could be dangerous
Bottom Row
6. Setting up my grandfather's old Encylopedias in the bedroom....Jon swears he's going to make the boys use them for their homework instead of Google
7. Loving the sudden outpouring of Brotherly love from Blake to Grayson
8. 3 Drafts down....now let's get some FOOTBALL started
9. Conquering the Doylestown Kid's Castle
10. My beautiful new Lotus Charm bracelet from my sister-in-law Karen..I could use all the energy I can get